Sierra Ensemble invited to be Artists in Residence at Avaloch Farm Institute, New Hamphire


We have been invited to be an Artist in Residence with composer Andrès Carrizo at Avaloch Farm Institute in Boscawen, New Hamphire.

Avaloch Farm Music Institute provides a unique opportunity for chamber music and jazz ensembles at any stage of development, to have the time and space to work intensively on repertoire, prepare for recordings, concerts or competitions, work with composers on commissions, and forge or reconnect to a group musical identity.

It was the combined vision of a dedicated philanthropist and a committed musician that provided the inspiration for Avaloch Farm. Dr. Alfred Tauber was seeking a way to bring something of lasting cultural value to the Boscawen, New Hampshire area. Cellist and music educator Deborah Sherr had long envisioned creating a professional musician’s retreat which would provide the resources and opportunities enjoyed by artists in other disciplines, but which were unavailable to performing musicians. Together they have designed an extraordinary concept, which has proven to be invaluable to performers and composers.

Avaloch Farm joins the rich tradition of American institutions created to support the vision of artists.

Janis Lieberman